LASCO Umformtechnik GmbH

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LASCO Umformtechnik GmbH

Advantage through decentralization
Fully automatic aluminum forging line from LASCO Umformtechnik

The increasingly popular use of aluminium, especially in the chassis area, confronts manufacturers of forged parts with challenges that can hardly be met with traditional production equipment. LASCO, a technology supplier from Coburg in northern Bavaria, promises a solution.

Narrow process windows make precisely reproducible forming temperatures, energies and forces necessary beyond the previously known level of solid steel forming - for each stage of the forging process. Precise preform geometries are required in order to optimize forming degrees and to prevent excessively high local component temperatures.

These findings have motivated us to develop a line concept that offers the user the necessary additional degrees of freedom to produce complex aluminum component geometries effectively and with repeatable accuracy, and to specify selectively the forming force, energy and speed for the individual stages of the forging process.

The basis of this line concept is the idea of „decentralizing” the stages of the forming process.

Five individual forming units divide the processing of the workpieces: one automated forging roll, one preforming and bending press, two screw presses with direct drive as well as one piercing and trimming press. In every stage of the forging process the advantages of each type can be fully used.

With the „decentralization” of the plant concept and the superposition of the various forming and handling tasks, the line is ideally suited for the increased process-related requirements of aluminum forging. With a high level of flexibility, additional degrees of freedom in the forming process, short cycle times accompanied by high plant availability, simultaneous automated tool change and shorter implementation periods from receipt of order to SOP, the LASCO plant concept is virtually without alternative.

LASCO Umformtechnik GmbH







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